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Become a Member Today!

  • Membership follows BGAND's fiscal year: June 1st - May 31th

    • (Important: registration before June 1st will expire at the end of this current fiscal year).

    • By registering after June 1st, your membership will be good through the upcoming fiscal year.

  • To register: Please complete this TWO step process. â€‹

    1. Fill out the form below and click the Submit button. Afterwards, please select the membership type from the drop down and click the "Buy Now" button. This will open a separate window instructing how to pay via PayPal.  Your submission is NOT complete until you have successfully paid.

    2. Current fee structure is as follows:

      • Active member: $36.50

      • Student member: $16.50
      • Retired member: $21.50
    3. ​After registering/payment, you will receive an Welcome Email that includes important dates for events, BGAND member benefits, and the password to the members section of our website. If you don't see this email, please check your spam. For further difficulties, please reach out under Contact Us. 


Please note: The Academy requires that all state and district members MUST also be members of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (you will need to provide your Academy number)

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